Thursday 8 September 2011

Who tells the truth?

George Orwell once said that "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act". Which broken down into simple terms means that in a time when everyone around us is lying anyone with enough courage to expose those lies is often singled out.

For those who stand by the fourteen words this is a very true saying indeed because we know that the 8% and falling number isn't us playing propaganda, we know that 8% of the earth is white and only 2% are white women of child bearing age. The media however refers to all other races as the "ethnic minorities" which of course just isnt true. How can anyone be so uneducated to accept 92% is less than 8%.

How many people would allow their government to tax 92% of their wage at the end of the week?

How many people would enter into a business agreement where they got 8% and their partner got 92%?

It is clear that in these material fields no man or woman would fall for such stupidity the question needs to be asked why White people continue to allow the majority to be portrayed as the minority while at the same time no media will show the true facts about the decline of the white European peoples without stating that the only people who claim the white race is dying are hateful mindless scum.

I have spent many years studying history, politics and a whole host of subjects surrounding how society is formed and how tyrants have gained control of almost all aspects of our lives. For me, where race is concerned very few people today in our own politcal structure have the courage to speak out about the Zionist control and instead have took full u turns and declared their unwavouring support for both the state of Israel and the issue surounding Palestine.

Just a couple of examples. Holland Geert Wilders (6 September 1963) is a Dutch politician and leader of the Party for Freedom, he is married to a Hungarian Jewish woman.

Wilders and Israel

Wilders lived in Israel for two years during his youth and has visited the country 40 times the last 25 years.

Wilders stated about Israel: "I have visited many interesting countries in the Middle East (Tunisia, Turkey, Cyprus, Iran) but nowhere did I have the special feeling of brotherhood that I always get when I land on Ben Gurion International Airport. Dutch public tv channel Nederland 2's daily news programme Netwerk reported, that numerous Americans supporting the state of Israel financially supported Wilders' Party for Freedom (PVV) and openly approved of his message towards Islam and Islamic terrorism.
Wilders told an audience during the report, that "We [in the West] are all Israel". He has also said "Israel is the West's first line of defense" against what he perceives to be a threat posed by Islam.

This Dutch program about the support Wilders gets in the USA, most of them where rich Jews:

Here you can see the program, its part in Dutch but in America you can see who supports him who all speak English, worth watching:

At one point you see a ''Dutch'' guy called Leon de Winter, he is against Wilders but he is Jewish and pro mass-immigration, he is the same as Wilders, working for the same zionist elite. 

 The second example is closer to home with the English Defence League who have made it very clear that in order to stand with them you must be willing to defend the state of Israel and the Jewish people as a whole. I have spoken many times about the EDL and I don't intend to spend time in this post covering them once more. You can take a look at EDL half truths avaliable online and learn all about the EDL - Israel Brotherhood for yourself.

For those who doubt the Zionist influence in the UK I ask you this. Did you ever take a close look at the words to the Jerusalem written by William Blake? Below are the words, but the important part is highlighted.

 And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?

And did the Countenance Divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among these dark satanic mills?

Bring me my bow of burning gold;
Bring me my arrows of desire;
Bring me my spear; O clouds, unfold!

Bring me my chariot of fire!

I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land.

 In other words we can expect Jews to one day claim this land as their own just as they did in Palestine? The fact that most European political parties have now alligned themselves with Zionism leaves European people at risk from all sides. By fighting the war with Islam for the sake of Zionist interests we have witnessed a tidalwave of Muslims into Europe who are hell bent on killing those who have shed the blood of their people in the Arab nations. We have seen Arab nations shook up by Zionist interests and new puppet dictators installed. So far in Libya, Egypt and around the corner Yemen, and possibly Syria in the coming months. We can safely say that Europe is no safer having entered a war and in fact is far more vunerable than she was before the "war on terror" no man or woman alive with a pair of half open eyes could deny that.

 So when it comes to those we should trust the answer is simple. We should put trust in those who have the best record of telling the truth, we should have confidence not in popular ideals but in the cold hard facts that cannot be denied and only in this way can we truly free ourselves from the grip Zionism holds over us as a culture and as a people. The political leaders who have gone from truth to myth have done so because of pressure or because the gold coin has turned them from freedom fighter to full time liars. People like Nick Griffin have walked away from the struggle and decided that the only thing in life that matters now is his own comfort and prosperity. People like Tommy Robinson of the EDL are simply men used as pied pipers and to Tommy Robinson (whose loyalty lies with Israel) the English are like rats who he is more than happy to lead toward their own demise.

Maybe Tommy Robinsons objective is to create a Civil war on the streets of Britain so that Islam can create a bloodbath of more "Goyim" Maybe Tommy Robinson is the key to making a Jerusalem in England? 1 Thing I know is that truth doesn't come from men like Tommy, Mr Griffin, Wilders or any of these who have found themselves in the pocket of Zionism. Truth comes from men like Dr William Pierce, truth comes from men like Dr David Duke, truth comes from heroes like David Eden Lane and truth comes from those who stand above all tyranny willing to give their all to defend the European people from the agenda set out by Jewish Zionism.

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