Saturday 10 September 2011

Europe must reject the EU in order to free itself from Zionism

I have been asked on many occasions by people wanting to know my political stand point why I am so pro Europe and the simple answer to that question is that if I were Anti Europe I would be Anti self.

 I am of European ancestry through and through and do not live under any illusion that I was born bred and grounded to the small patch of land we call England. My roots from my family are English, Irish, Welsh, French, and Danish and that is just the history I know about so for me to claim that I am Anti European would be like saying I hate all that I am and all that I come from.

Many people today including my own Mother sadly is quick to state that she considers herself "English" and not British which of course is the effects of years on indoctrination which has the sole purpose of dividing our race and weakening our chances of survival. I have pointed out to my own Mother at times that she is not English and the very fact that she knows her own Grandfather was an Irishman and her Grandmother Welsh and so her claim to be "All English" really fools nobody. Even herself.

On many different occasions I have found myself defending Europe when I hear people talking about their issues with Poles or Germans and I have pointed out to Englishman many times that studies show maybe 80% of those in what is today Britain have direct ancestral links to Germanic tribes. Of course many have been so turned against their own history and ancestry that they claim they would prefer their daughters to bare the children of Asians and Blacks than to see their Daughters bring home a German or a Frenchman. This for me is certain proof of the peril we face as Europeans.

The European Union isn't my idea of European unity, in fact it does more damage than good to relations between European peoples. It is a financial stranglehold on each and every nation and takes away each nations identity and replaces it with the Zionist idea of Europe as a slave to debt. It takes the continent shaped by the most genius people to ever live and turns it into a multi racial experiment. It has its roots not in uniting the people of Europe but by outbreeding the people of Europe and making sure their history and legacy is wiped from the pages of history. I have told people (with open minds willing to listen) many times that Hitlers idea of a united Europe wasn't as the mass media would have you believe a Europe which spoke only German and did everything that Germany demanded of them. You only have to look at that fact Hitler tried for months if not years to make peace with England for the sake of our race as a whole. You can see clearly that those who wanted war wanted it for the sake of wiping a vast number of white Europeans from the face of the earth. Their aim was simple, to kill masses of our people and then fill those numbers with people from other nations, people of other races would be used to ensure the European would be a relic by the end of the 21st century.

Left wing media like to tell us that the reason so many immigrants had to be brought in during the 50's was because White Europeans had decided they didn't know how to work and had become lazy. This media tells this tale as if white men simply sat down and gave up making a living. Of course anyone who knows the figures from two world wars as far as deaths are concerned knows the reason so many jobs could not be filled after the war was because the men and women to fill those jobs had been slaughtered in world war. A nation cannot find a work force if the men and women had been led into propaganda warfare and led to their own deaths. Put simply we replaced white Europeans with non white non Europeans and then began the media whirlwind to play all as equal and then to amp it up to the point that men of European culture are shown as weak and violent while the African male is shown as a bold courageous figure.

Its much deeper than this and I cover it in other work I have done but the fact is that Europe could have been a much better place for all of us had we not supported the tyrant and killed the warriors of truth.

So its important to clear up the issue surrounding Pro Europe vs Pro EU. The only people that are truly pro EU are the Zionists who planned the EU many many years before "Joe Public" heard even a whisper of it. The EU is the brainchild of Zionists plain and simple and they have America, Canada and Mexico lined up for this similar union idea as well as forming a union like these with Asian nations and African nations. The idea is the very same lie they told of Hitler only this time the people behind it really do have a plan to have one world, one set of rules one set of laws one banking system no political choice just obedience. It is crucial that European people unite to destroy this EU ideology and come together to say that we refuse to be rounded up and given rules from outsiders, we have solved our own issues for thousands of years, we have battled all enemies and come out of it stronger and although we have fought European vs European many times when ever outside forces have threatened our existence we have come together to defeat this evil.

The Zionists have many aims that they make very clear. One is to destroy the European people, this should be the biggest concern for us and as representatives of Pazcoe we can assure you that this sits as the highest concern for our organisation. Their other aim is to use European people to wage wars for their gains. When I talk of European people I refer also to the Americans who although they may have been fooled into believing themselves to be Americans are in fact of European ancestry and are our kinsman. Most Americans have been so brainwashed they think American is their race. Fortunately some Americans keep alive the truth and others may have passed but their messages and wisdom live on still today. William Pierce, David Lane just to mention two of hundreds of thousands of men and women alike who we look to for guidance and inspiration.

Pazcoe defends the Europe of proud people, Pazcoe is part of the Europe that created men like Plato, Carl Jung, Rudolf Hess and many more. We represent the true European spirit that always fights and never walks away or waves the white flag. We are White Europeans who see not the lines drawn by governments but the countless bloodstains those governments forced on our people. We are Europeans who respect and value each nations history, each nations traditions and customs. We believe if Europe raised again their sword and each nation defeated the Zionist element within its political structure we would see Greece not being forced to accept change from a begging bowl but instead stood tall and bold as it did in the times of Sparta and bold Leonidas. If Europe saw those hidden plotting our demise in the open they would see a mirror image of the weak feeble "wizard" in Oz who was revealed as nothing more than a cheat and a liar. The European Union doesn't bring European ancestry closer together instead it uses financial terrorism to tear us apart, the media make the image that those in debt got in that mess because they can't balance their budget when we know they can collapse the system at any given moment. The banks are rigged the money system is rigged and money is debt as the movie is titled. Money is debt and it is enslavement.

We must reject the European Union and we must do so as a united European voice, we must stand as one Europe against the agenda set up and established by non Europeans to enslave Europeans. Its wake up time to this and Pazcoe intends to announce a United Europe against Zionism EU event in the coming future. We must not allow our destiny to be shaped by those who are out to destroy us. You wouldn't let your worse enemy fix the breaks on your car, so why would anyone let those out to hurt them dictate events in your life or shape your future for you?

Europe doesn't need politics to unite them, just a cause and just as the past shows when the cause that Europe faces is its survival then we come together better than any and prevail all of the time. It cannot be a war against ourselves, and we cannot be tricked into that game with their debt and recession scare tactics. If we come together we can win but if they pull us apart then come the end of this century Europe won't have the chance to wake up and change things because the masterful influx of Non Europeans will have changed the face and heart of Europe for ever.

You have been warned.

Added documents of interest are included.

The 1955 Bilderberg meeting clearly shows that the Zionist agenda had the EU on the table from 1955

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